Monday 1 August 2011

Ramadan 2011 - grain free and sugar free

Hello and thanks so much for stopping by!

I know that it probably sounds crazy, but Ramadan makes me so excited. The food preparation, the fast itself, all of the mini epiphanies that you get throughout the day, everyone working together and (of course) breaking the fast at the end of the day.

I don't know about anyone else but I always get filled with a sense of gratitude and love, although that could be more to do with the physical act of fasting alone. This year the days are long, certainly the longest that I've known them ever to be, and because of all of my food problems my doctor has suggested that I go sugar free.

First off; I know, what on earth was my doctor thinking?? a sugar free diet...during ramadan?? How would anyone cope? A quick search on the internet revealed nothing so I figured that I may as well add to the lack of literature on the topic for anyone who is fasting and looking for grain free, sugar free and some dairy free recipes and anyone looking for grain free, sugar free and some dairy free recipes.

Watch this space for more posts!

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